Just a quick overview of highlights to catch up on the last few days. 20th saw six
House Martins over the farm. Two Hobbies flew over BW on 21st, when singles of Rook and Tawny Owl were also noted in the sector. Singing warblers still maintaining territory at BW include three Garden Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat and the Willow Warbler.
The first Brown Argus of the year was seen at BW on 23rd, while Common Blue numbers have increased and other species on the wing have included
Dingy Skipper, Grizzled Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Small Heath, Small Copper, Brimstone, Large White, Orange-tip, Comma, Peacock and Red Admiral. On the botanical side of things, Common Twayblade and Dame's-violet have sprung to life.
Small Heath at BW on 21st |
Paul Goodman, Duncan Jennings, Ian Pratley, Ian Ward (photo) and Woodchips