
11th October 2021: Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin


Large group of linnets in Chipstead Meadow and Ruffet Meadow feeding on linseed. Around 7 Yellow Hammers showing well in two locations, at least one juvenile and also bathing in the puddle as a group by the cottages.

Female kestrel skimming over the stubble for small birds over George West, chased by crows. Still present by Owl Field. Large group of Skylarks George West.

Poss redwings and fieldfares overhead.

Plenty of toadstalls now showing.
Kestrel 1
feral Rock Dove 10
Stock Dove 8
Woodpigeon 100+
Rose-ringed Parakeet 5
Green Woodpecker 3
Magpie 20
Jay 9
Jackdaw 100+
Carrion Crow 200+
Blue Tit 4
Great Tit 1
Skylark 25+
Long-tailed Tit 6
Chiffchaff 2
Blackcap 1
Nuthatch 2
Blackbird 2
Robin 1
Stonechat 1
Dunnock 2
House Sparrow 5
Linnet 200+
Yellowhammer 7+
Red Admiral 1

Dead Man's Fingers

Mycena pura

Rosy Bonnet Mycena rosea

Common Puffball

Rosy Bonnet Mycena rosea

Common Puffball