
25th December 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward


feral Rock Dove 18
Stock Dove 10
Woodpigeon 20
Black-headed Gull 6
Herring Gull 1
Rook 1 heard over Ballards Field in the mist
Raven 1 heard cronking 11:30
Coal Tit 1 singing west of Heathside field
Blue Tit 5
Great Tit 4
Skylark 30 Ballards/Doric fields
Long-tailed Tit 1
Nuthatch 1 singing west side of Doric field
Song Thrush 1
Redwing c10+ Doric Field in scattered numbers
Dunnock 4
House Sparrow up to 15 Ballards Residential/ Heathside field
Chaffinch c60 flock in Doric Field
Linnet 70+ flock in Doric Field
Redpoll (1 over Ballards Field with DC)
Yellowhammer 1 in Ballards field