30th June 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman



Little Owl

Swift 6
Black-headed Gull 2
Herring Gull 1
Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 2
Little Owl 1
Skylark 10+ Much more obvious today with many singing
Swallow 1
Chiffchaff 2
Blackcap 1
Greenfinch 1 Singing Kingswood
Linnet 5
Yellowhammer 2
Meadow Brown P
Ringlet 6

29th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Marsh Tit 1 singing near Park Farm Orchard
Large White 2
White-letter Hairstreak

28th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Essex Skipper

Moorhens bathing

Moorhens bathing

Moorhen chick


Swift 7
Moorhen 2 adults with 3 chicks- one chick feeding on a dragonfly
Grey Heron 1 flew S 12:42
Red Kite 1 flew W 13:02
Mistle Thrush 2
Pied Wagtail 1
Essex Skipper 1 in Stagbury
Large Skipper 2
Marbled White P
Speckled Wood P
Meadow Brown P
Ringlet 3
Small Heath P

28th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Paul Goodman


Stock Dove 2
Moorhen 1 Juvenile
Great Spotted Woodpecker 4 One juvenile
Green Woodpecker 3
Chiffchaff 6
Blackcap 6
Whitethroat 2 Territories
Marbled White 30+
Meadow Brown 60+
Ringlet 10
Small Heath 6
Small Blue 1

25th June 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Swift 10+
Grey Heron 1
Common Buzzard 1
Blue Tit 2. One with food
Skylark 3
Blackcap 2
Whitethroat 6 Including several juveniles
Nuthatch 1
Starling 20+ Including several juveniles
Chaffinch 3
Linnet 6
Goldfinch 10+ Including several juveniles
Yellowhammer 6
Small White 3+
Comma 2
Small Tortoiseshell 1
Meadow Brown 20+
Stoat 1

24th June 2024: Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin

 Hobby 1 circling over Chipstead Meadow

22nd June 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward

 Fames Rough only.

Marbled White

Large Skipper

Chiffchaff 1 singing
Blackcap 3 singing
Whitethroat 1 singing
Large Skipper 1
Marbled White c5
Meadow Brown 10+
Small Heath 7

22nd June 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward


Pheasant 1 calling in Lunch Wood
feral Rock Dove c200+; 2 large mobile flocks of 100+ flew N 10:45
Swift c19; c16 low over Horse Pasture
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 flew S 13:47
Red Kite 1 flew W from Kingswood- flew over Canons farm 14:04
Common Buzzard 2 ; 1 hovered
Swallow 3
Bullfinch 2 in the Slangs
Greenfinch 1 heard in Ballards

21st June 2024: Canons Farm - Ann

 Swift 6 feeding high over Chipstead Meadow before dusk.

20th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Duncan Jennings


Common Buzzard 1
Chiffchaff 1
Pied Wagtail 1 Male seen at Park Farm buildings area

20th June 2024: Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin

2 Roe Deer on north side of Green Belt Field near Holly Lane.

18th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Duncan Jennings

 Pied Wagtail 1 Male seen at Park Farm buildings area

16th June 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Moorhen with chick (and frog)

Moorhen with two chicks

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Broad-bodied Chaser


mainly Holly Lane Meadows & Outwood Lane Pond

Swift 40+ mainly W
Moorhen 1 adult with 3 chicks in Outwood Lane Pond
Herring Gull 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Grey Heron 1 flew NW over HLM/Park Downs 12:50
Common Buzzard 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 in HLM
Green Woodpecker 1 in HLM
Hobby 1
Mistle Thrush 1 in HLM
Pied Wagtail 1
Goldfinch 9 HLM/ Park farm Scouts area
Brimstone 5
Meadow Brown 3
Small Heath 2
Small Blue 1 on kidney vetch by Outwood Lane Pond
Azure Damselfly P
Blue-tailed Damselfly P
Broad-bodied Chaser male/female over Outwood Lane Pond
Other wildlife 1 (type species) 13 Rabbits in Holly Lane Meadows

13th June 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward


Pheasant 3 calling
Swift 40+ mainly S
Herring Gull c10 mainly S
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 flew S 12:30
Cormorant 1 flew N 10:28
Common Buzzard 2
Raven 1 flew S cronking over Lunch Banks/Chiphouse Wood 11:00
Swallow 2
House Martin 1 flew W

10th June 2024: Canons Farm - Justin Bendig


Evening walk up to dusk between Perrots & Canons farms to look for owls.
The little owls were on separate perches near Canons farm buildings at 9 pm. The barn owl was hunting over Owl Meadow at 9:15 pm.
Common Buzzard 1
Barn Owl 1
Little Owl 2
Kestrel 1
Whitethroat 1
Blackbird 4
Robin 2

9th June 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Swallow 1
Blackcap 3
Whitethroat 5+ One family group with at least one juvenile
Red Admiral 1
Speckled Wood 1

5 June 2024 Canons Farm - Paul Goodman

Common Buzzard4 Together, one carrying food
Swallow4 Feeding initially around watchpoint
House Sparrow6
Small White1

4 June 2024, Canons Farm - Ian Ward

Red kite

 Coverage; Canons Farm, Reads Rest Bottom & Rest Lane

Canada Goose6 flew NE over Broadfields 10:13
Herring Gull7
Lesser Black-backed Gull1 flew S over Perrotts by Wood 12:43
Red Kite1 flew into Broadfields 10:20 - remained in area until 14:15 when headed off N
Common Buzzard3
SkylarkAt least 8 breeding pairs
Swallow2 from barns at back of Canons Farmhouse
Linnet6 drinking in mud pool by Green Barn
Small White2
Red Admiral1
Small Heath2

4 June 2024 Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Brown Argus

Meadow Brown1 in Fames Rough
Brown Argus1 in Fames Rough

2 June 2024 Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin

20.45: swifts feeding over Chipstead Meadow on and off for around 30 minutes.


2 June 2024 Banstead Woods - Paul Goodman


Common Buzzard2
Great Spotted Woodpecker5
Green Woodpecker2
Long-tailed Tit2
Whitethroat2 Territories
Linnet1 Near carpark
Dingy Skipper14
Grizzled Skipper1
Small White1
Small Heath3+
Small Blue4
Common Blue2
Green Hairstreak2
Azure Damselfly10

2 June 2024 Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Hobby1 Circling over Ruffet Wood