26th May

The following request has come from Sophie:

I’m organizing a Family Nature Day on the 23rd July at Chipstead Downs, (meeting at Holly Lane Car Park and then doing hourly walks between 10am and 3pm in the Valley Meadows).  I was hoping that ‘The Listers’ might be able to help me, as I’m wanting to create a nature table with all sorts of things including feathers, snail shells, dead insects such as butterflies, stag beetles, dragonfly nymph cases etc. absolutely anything that’s nature related that could be seen locally.  The idea is that parents and children can have a go at identifying the dead things before they go on a walk and then put into practice their new identifying skills.

I live in Purely, so I’m happy to collect any donations for the nature table.

Thank you.

From Sophie

If you can help in any way, please contact Sophie on:
