29 May 2024 Banstead Woods - Ian Ward

Small Blue


Azure Damselfly & Blue-tailed Damselflies  

Roe Deer

Coverage mainly Holly Lane Meadows/ Outwood Lane Pond/Hither field/ Banstead Woods

Mallard1 female in Piddly Pond
Moorhen2 adults- one on a nest in Outwood Lane Pond
Herring Gull1
Cormorant1 flew high south over Holly Lane Meadows at noon
Common Buzzard4
Tawny Owl1 hooting briefly in the Larches 14:30
Pied Wagtail2 on Scout Huts
Greenfinch1 calling in the Nuttery
Dingy Skipper1 on Hither field
Speckled Wood1
Small Heath3
Small Bluec4; all by the Outwood Lane Pond, 2 on Kidney Vetch, 2 mating in nearby brambles
Holly Blue1
Azure Damselfly16 in Outwood Lane Pond ( 8 m & 8 fem all mating)
Roe Deer1
Silver Y moth 1 in Hither field

Blue-tailed Damselflies             2 (1 m, 1 fem)