14th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


juvenile Buzzard

juvenile Blackbird

female Chalkhill Blue

Silver-spotted Skipper

Small Heath

Moorhen 1 in Outwood Lane Pond
Common Buzzard 2 juveniles calling
Tawny Owl 1 hooting near Piddly Pond 14:18
Marsh Tit 1 calling west of Harholt Plantation
Swallow 8; 2 flew SE, 6 flew W
Chiffchaff 4
Blackcap 5
Whitethroat 1 in the Nuttery
Greenfinch c3+ in the Nuttery
Goldfinch c35+ (adults & Juveniles) in the Nuttery
Green-veined White 1
Small White 2
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Gatekeeper P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Small Heath P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Common Blue c9
Chalkhill Blue c5; 4 m 1 fem in Stagbury
Brown Argus c2; Hither field
Silver-spotted Skipper
2 in Stagbury
Southern Hawker 3 over Piddly Pond
Migrant Hawker 1
 Jersey Tiger                                1 red variant