The grey skies could not stop a 'spring-like' feel to the morning's birding, with much song across the farm, including a fine chorus of sub-song (and even full song) from some of the Redwings. Thrush and finch numbers have increased. Undoubted passage birds were the three female Stonechats, that remained faithful to their chosen haunts throughout the morning.
Canons Farm: 9 MALLARD (over Heathside Field), 250+ HERRING GULL (moving north), 65+ STOCK DOVE, 700 WOODPIGEON, 12 ROSE-RINGED PARAKEET, 4 LITTLE OWL (all indulging in a bout of calling in the Stoney Knob / Broad Field area), 3 GREEN WOODPECKER, 2 GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, 2 ROOK, 125 CARRION CROW, 25 SKYLARK (widely scattered, much display), 1 NUTHATCH (Lunch Wood), 15+ BLACKBIRD, 7 SONG THRUSH, 175 REDWING (mainly in Circle Field/Death Pit area), 200 FIELDFARE (Death Pit, then Quail/Skylark Fields), 3 STONECHAT (all females, Bog Field, Harrier Field, Reeds Rest Bottom, duplication eliminated), 1 GREY WAGTAIL (Canons Farmhouse), 2 PIED WAGTAIL, 5 MEADOW PIPIT (Broadfield), 100+ CHAFFINCH (mainly along southern edge of Heathside Field), 7 GOLDFINCH, 40+ LINNET (well scattered), 6 YELLOWHAMMER (Reeds Rest Cottages).
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Stonechat, Bog Field, 10/03/16 (Steve Gale) |
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Stonechat, Reeds Rest Bottom, 10/03/16 (Steve Gale) |