Two Cuckoos were calling (from the woods above Fame's Rough and at Death Pit). The Red-legged Partridge remains elusive, but did pop up again in Tart's Field.
Canons Farm: 1 GREY HERON (over Tart's Field), 2 COMMON BUZZARD, 1 KESTREL, 1 RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE (Tart's Field), 1 CUCKOO (Death Pit), 4 SKYLARK, 1 WHEATEAR (male, Broadfield), 1 MISTLE THRUSH, 6 LINNET, 2 YELLOWHAMMER
Moschatel (also known as Town-hall Clock), The Slangs, 20/04/16 (Ian Magness) |
Observers: Geoff Barter, Paul Goodman, Ian Magness