7th September 2024: Canons Farm - Autumn Migration Tour led by Paul Goodman


adult Red Kite

feral Rock Dove P
Stock Dove 3+
Woodpigeon 1000+
Herring Gull 4
Red Kite 1 - 2
Common Buzzard 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Kestrel 1
Rose-ringed Parakeet P
Jay P
Magpie P
Jackdaw P
Carrion Crow 500+
Blue Tit P
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 400+ Feeding and over SW in many small and large flocks
House Martin 8+
Chiffchaff 8
Whitethroat 2 Reeds Cottages scrub
Nuthatch 3 In Banstead Woods
Wren P
Starling 25+
Blackbird P
Robin P
Dunnock P
House Sparrow P
Chaffinch 3
Bullfinch 1 L&G (and another heard in Banstead Woods)
Linnet 2
Goldfinch 4
Yellowhammer 10 Including 1st year birds