Herring Gull |
8 |
Red Kite |
2; 1 11:08 over Railway field where headed S, 1 12:12 over L&G from NW flew over Canons Farm |
Green Woodpecker |
3; 1 North Horse Pasture, 1 Stoney Nob, 1 Railway field |
Kestrel |
2 |
Jackdaw |
Up to 50 |
Skylark |
11 on Infront of George field East/Legal & General |
Redwing |
40+ in a mixed flock with Fieldfares 12:20 |
Fieldfare |
50+ in a mixed flock with Redwings ( Infront of George field East) |
Greenfinch |
1 calling Kingswood Residential/ Railway field |
Linnet |
Up to 100 in Can Hatch field |
Golden Plover |
Estimated 35 Golden Plovers 12:58 flew up from Broadfield East - ‘some’
were in summer plumage with black bellies - apparently being disturbed
& pursued by the local Kestrels. The birds split into 2 groups - up
to 25 flew W towards Legal & General, up to 10 birds departed SW
towards Kingswood. Only managed a single photo shot of birds flying
away. |