Greylag and two
Canada/Greylag hybrids were with 46
Canada Geese in the fields at the farm. The adult
Peregrine was still kicking about and a
Cormorant flew south. Other sightings at Canons included 50
Redwings, four
Stonechats, four
House Martins, two
Chiffchaffs, a
Meadow Pipit, 100
Linnets, four
Yellowhammers, a
Pied Wagtail and a
Common Buzzard.
Brown Hairstreaks on the wing were at the farm.
Adult Peregrine, Stoney Nob (Duncan Jennings) |
Canada Geese, Canons Farm (Duncan Jennings) |
Two Canada/Greylag hybrids with Canada Geese, Canons Farm (Duncan Jennings) |
Greylag (right), two hybrid Canada/Greylags and Canada Geese, Canons Farm (Duncan Jennings) |
Canada Geese, Canons Farm (Duncan Jennings) |
Canada Goose, Canons Farm (Duncan Jennings) |
Duncan Jennings