15th September 2024: Canons Farm - Tony Blake


Woodpigeon c250
Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Hobby 1+ two sightings in the morning
Swallow c35
House Martin 4+
Chiffchaff 7+
Blackcap 1
Linnet c25
Yellowhammer 3

15th September 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Common Buzzard 6
Kestrel 1 Male
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 100+
House Martin 80+
Chiffchaff 9
Whitethroat 1+
Nuthatch 2
Linnet 18
Yellowhammer 5
Green-veined White 1+
Small White 5+
Comma 1
Small Heath 1
Small Copper 1
Common Darter 2
Other wildlife 1 (type species) Ivy bee
Other wildlife 1 number and details 1+

15th September 2024: Banstead Woods - Paul Goodman


Common Buzzard 1
Skylark 1 Hither Field
Chiffchaff 4
Nuthatch 1
Whinchat 1 Hither Field
Green-veined White 1
Small White 3+
Meadow Brown 3
Small Heath 3
Common Blue 1

14th September 2024: Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin


Woodpigeon 200+
Common Buzzard 4
Green Woodpecker 1
Rose-ringed Parakeet 3
Magpie 3
Jackdaw 20+
Carrion Crow 20+
Swallow 3
House Martin 20
Chiffchaff 3
Goldcrest 1
Wren 1
Robin 2
House Sparrow 6
Common Darter 1

13th September 2024: Banstead Woods - Anne-Marie Griffin


Common Darter

Common Darter

Red Kite entered over Tattenham Meadow from the north and flew onto Broadfield East being mobbed by crows continuously.
Woodpigeon 200+
Black-headed Gull 5
Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 2
Green Woodpecker 1
Magpie 5
Jackdaw 50+
Carrion Crow 100+
Blue Tit 3
House Martin 23
Chiffchaff 4
Long-tailed Tit 4
Wren 1
Starling 1
Robin 3
Yellowhammer 1
Large White 3
Common Darter 1

12th September 2024: Banstead Woods - Graham Harris

 House Martin 15 over The Knoll

12th September 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Common Buzzard 2
Jay 3
Coal Tit 1
Blue Tit 15+
Swallow 100+
Chiffchaff 16
Long-tailed Tit 15+ in two flocks
Nuthatch 1
Stonechat 1
Linnet 3
Small White 6
Comma 1
Red Admiral 5
Common Darter 1

8th September 2024: Canons Farm - Anne-Marie Griffin


videos of House Martins and Swallows

Gypsy moth caterpillar

Constant stream of housemartins and swallows arriving from the north to south feeding over Green Belt Field, Game Field and Poultry Field and remaining to feed. Showing well.

Hobby travelled from north to south over greenbelt, mobbed by housemartins.

Sunny, warm, humid, plenty of insects.
Stock Dove 2
Woodpigeon 200+
Herring Gull 2
Red Kite 1 on Horse Pasture
Common Buzzard 2
Green Woodpecker 1
Hobby 1 over Green Belt
Rose-ringed Parakeet 1
Jay 3
Magpie 5
Jackdaw 50++
Carrion Crow 50+
Blue Tit 6+
Great Tit 4+
Swallow 100+
House Martin 200+
Chiffchaff 6
Long-tailed Tit 1
Blackcap 1 m
Nuthatch 1
Starling 1
Blackbird 2
Robin 4
House Sparrow 8
Linnet 2
Large White 3

7th September 2024: Canons Farm - Autumn Migration Tour led by Paul Goodman


adult Red Kite

feral Rock Dove P
Stock Dove 3+
Woodpigeon 1000+
Herring Gull 4
Red Kite 1 - 2
Common Buzzard 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Kestrel 1
Rose-ringed Parakeet P
Jay P
Magpie P
Jackdaw P
Carrion Crow 500+
Blue Tit P
Sand Martin 1
Swallow 400+ Feeding and over SW in many small and large flocks
House Martin 8+
Chiffchaff 8
Whitethroat 2 Reeds Cottages scrub
Nuthatch 3 In Banstead Woods
Wren P
Starling 25+
Blackbird P
Robin P
Dunnock P
House Sparrow P
Chaffinch 3
Bullfinch 1 L&G (and another heard in Banstead Woods)
Linnet 2
Goldfinch 4
Yellowhammer 10 Including 1st year birds

4th September 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Red Kite 3
Common Buzzard 4
Green Woodpecker 2
Coal Tit 2
Swallow 20 Southwest
Chiffchaff 10
Willow Warbler 1
Long-tailed Tit 1
Blackcap 1
Goldcrest 1+
Nuthatch 3
Wheatear 1 Reads Bottom
Linnet 1
Yellowhammer 2
Green-veined White 2
Small White 6
Large White 4
Common Darter 1

4th September 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Common Darter



Common Buzzard 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Green Woodpecker 3
Kestrel 2
Rose-ringed Parakeet 3
Jay 4
Raven 2 together circled Hillwood field 12:28
Skylark 2 in lower Hither field
Swallow 10 low over Hither fields
Chiffchaff 11
Blackcap 4
Whinchat 2 on the south side of lower Hither field
Bullfinch 4; 2 in the Nuttery, 2 in Harholt
Linnet 3
Goldfinch 5
Brimstone 1
Green-veined White 2
Small White c20+
Large White 4
Speckled Wood 2
Meadow Brown P; widespread but in lower numbers
Small Heath 1
Small Blue 1 in the NE corner of Stagbury
Common Blue 6
Chalkhill Blue 3; 1 m 2 fem
Brown Hairstreak 1
Azure Damselfly 2
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 2
Common Darter 7 including 2 fem