4th September 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Common Darter



Common Buzzard 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Green Woodpecker 3
Kestrel 2
Rose-ringed Parakeet 3
Jay 4
Raven 2 together circled Hillwood field 12:28
Skylark 2 in lower Hither field
Swallow 10 low over Hither fields
Chiffchaff 11
Blackcap 4
Whinchat 2 on the south side of lower Hither field
Bullfinch 4; 2 in the Nuttery, 2 in Harholt
Linnet 3
Goldfinch 5
Brimstone 1
Green-veined White 2
Small White c20+
Large White 4
Speckled Wood 2
Meadow Brown P; widespread but in lower numbers
Small Heath 1
Small Blue 1 in the NE corner of Stagbury
Common Blue 6
Chalkhill Blue 3; 1 m 2 fem
Brown Hairstreak 1
Azure Damselfly 2
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 2
Common Darter 7 including 2 fem