Dusk watch along Reads Rest Lane. Spell of freezing weather, some lingering snow, no wind, nice moonlight. | |
Pheasant | 2 (M & F edge of Lunch wood) |
Barn Owl | 1 (15:40, perched on fence post bordering Perrots-by-Wood, then hunted over the field. One additional sighting of Barn Owl hunting length of Owl Meadow at 16:50 - this may have been a different individual. |
Little Owl | 1 (west of Canons farmhouse) |
Kestrel | 1 (female, Slangs) |
Carrion Crow | 20+ (Infrontgeorge west) |
Raven | 4 |
Mistle Thrush | 1 (in young Ash by hedge of Owl meadow) |