31st August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 1
Chiffchaff 8 Four together at Canons Farmhouse
Yellowhammer 2

29th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Spotted Flycatcher - Ian Ward


juvenile Robin

Tawny Owl 1 hooting briefly near Piddly Pond 12:44
Kestrel 1
Marsh Tit 1 calling by Piddly Pond 12:42
Swallow 4
House Martin 1 with swallows east side of Hither field/outwood lane
Blackcap 1
Whitethroat 1
Mistle Thrush 1
Bullfinch 1
Linnet 6
Spotted Flycatcher
1 Spotted Flycatcher;along hedgerows of north side of Hither Field - flew into the Nuttery 11:25
Red Admiral 1
Small Copper 1
Brown Hairstreak 5; 4 Hither field/ The Nuttery, 1 Hillwood field
Southern Hawker 3 over Piddly Pond
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 3

27th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Paul Goodman and Ian Magness


Moorhen 1
Common Buzzard 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker 5
Green Woodpecker 1
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler 2 In tit flock near Holly Lane Meadow
Long-tailed Tit 2+
Nuthatch 3
Brimstone 1
Small White 3+
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown P
Common Blue 4
Chalkhill Blue 2 - 3
Brown Argus 1
Azure Damselfly 6+
Southern Hawker 1+
Common Darter 2
Willow Emerald damselfly
2: Pair egg laying at Holly Lane New Pond
Common Buzzard 2
Raven 1 Calling and circling low over woods
Marsh Tit 1 Appeared to be a young bird between posts 5 and 6
Blue Tit 25+ (one flock with 20+(
Swallow 1
Chiffchaff 3
Willow Warbler 1 Between posts 5 and 6
Long-tailed Tit 12+
Goldcrest 3
Nuthatch 2
Treecreeper 1
Brimstone 2
Small White 1
Speckled Wood 1

25th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Brown Hairstreak

Azure Damselfly

Herring Gull 1
Cormorant 1 circled Coneyboro Hill 14:21
Sparrowhawk 1
Common Buzzard 4; including 1 juvenile
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Green Woodpecker 2
Kestrel 2
Swallow c15 flew S
Chiffchaff c8
Blackcap 1
Mistle Thrush 1
Grey Wagtail 1 flew into Outwood Lane Pond briefly 12:07
[Spotted Flycatcher]
possible; 12:38 along hedgerows by Parsons Land.
Brimstone 1
Green-veined White 4
Small White 6
Speckled Wood 7
Meadow Brown P in smaller numbers
Gatekeeper 2
Small Heath 2
Common Blue c17
Chalkhill Blue 4; 3 m 1 fem in Stagbury field
Small Copper 1 in Holly Lane Meadows
Brown Argus 2
Brown Hairstreak 1 in hedgerow between Stagbury field/ Barn field
Silver-spotted Skipper
2: m & fem in Stagbury field
Azure Damselfly 1 in Outwood Lane Pond
Southern Hawker 5
Migrant Hawker 5
Common Darter At least 8 (mainly in Outwood Lane Pond where one pair was mating)

25th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman

 Partly with Tony Blake

Sparrowhawk 1
Red Kite 1+
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 1
Swallow 80+ over in groups of 6 to about 30
House Martin 2+
Chiffchaff 5
Whitethroat 1
Nuthatch 2
Song Thrush 1
Yellow Wagtail 2 over
Tree Pipit 1 over
Yellowhammer 1
Small White 3+
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown 3
Brown Argus 1 near Perrotts Farm.
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 1
Jersey Tiger    

Chrysotoxum festivum (hoverfly)

25th August 2024: Canons Farm - Tony Blake


Sparrowhawk 1+ (3 sightings in the morning)
Red Kite 1+ very vocal
Common Buzzard 2
Green Woodpecker 1
Hobby 1 flew north over Canons Lane with prey in its talons
Kestrel 1
Jackdaw c40
Swallow c20
House Martin 2
Whitethroat 4
Yellow Wagtail 2 - flew north over Reads Rest Lane, calling.
Tree Pipit 1 - flew S over Reads Rest Lane – called once.

21st August 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


Silver-washed Fritillary

Sparrowhawk 1 m flew low over Fames Rough
Common Buzzard 1 juvenile
Chiffchaff 6
Marbled White 1 in Fames Rough
Green-veined White 1
Small White 3
Comma 1
Silver-washed Fritillary 1 in Fames Rough
Speckled Wood 4
Meadow Brown P
Gatekeeper P
Small Heath 2
Common Blue 5
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 5

21st August 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward



Sparrowhawk 1 fem
Red Kite 3 mid afternoon
Common Buzzard 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 3
Kestrel 2
Peregrine 1flew E over Owl Meadow 08:55
Jay 1
Swallow 10 mainly W
Chiffchaff 3
Whitethroat 2
Nuthatch 1
Linnet 3

20th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Paul Goodman


Stock Dove 2+
Common Buzzard 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1+ Juvenile
Green Woodpecker 1
Marsh Tit 1
Chiffchaff 2
Long-tailed Tit 1
Blackcap 1
Goldcrest 6 Adult feeding at least 5 juveniles
Nuthatch 1
Red Admiral 1
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown 4+

20th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Red Kite 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Chiffchaff 2
Blackcap 1
Linnet 8
Green-veined White 1+
Small White 1+
Red Admiral 1
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown P
Southern Hawker 2
Jersey Tiger

18th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Swallow 2
Chiffchaff 7
Linnet 4
Yellowhammer 2

16th August 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward




Cormorant 2 circled high over Broadfields 09:58
Sparrowhawk 1 juvenile (see photo)
Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 2 juveniles calling; 1 Canons Wood, 1 Broadfield East
Jay 1
Whitethroat 2
Stonechat 1 flew into the  rough patch of Reads Bottom

15th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 3
Kestrel 1
Coal Tit 1
Swallow 6 south
Chiffchaff 2
Willow Warbler 1 migrant Chipstead Meadow
Blackcap 1
Yellowhammer 1
Green-veined White 1+
Small White 1
Red Admiral 1
Speckled Wood 2
Meadow Brown
Common Blue 1
Small Copper 1
Southern Hawker 1
Common Darter 1

14th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


juvenile Buzzard

juvenile Blackbird

female Chalkhill Blue

Silver-spotted Skipper

Small Heath

Moorhen 1 in Outwood Lane Pond
Common Buzzard 2 juveniles calling
Tawny Owl 1 hooting near Piddly Pond 14:18
Marsh Tit 1 calling west of Harholt Plantation
Swallow 8; 2 flew SE, 6 flew W
Chiffchaff 4
Blackcap 5
Whitethroat 1 in the Nuttery
Greenfinch c3+ in the Nuttery
Goldfinch c35+ (adults & Juveniles) in the Nuttery
Green-veined White 1
Small White 2
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Gatekeeper P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Small Heath P; now widespread in smaller numbers
Common Blue c9
Chalkhill Blue c5; 4 m 1 fem in Stagbury
Brown Argus c2; Hither field
Silver-spotted Skipper
2 in Stagbury
Southern Hawker 3 over Piddly Pond
Migrant Hawker 1
 Jersey Tiger                                1 red variant

13th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Common Buzzard 2
Green Woodpecker 2
Chiffchaff 10. One adult feeding a juvenile.
Whitethroat 3
Stonechat 1 Probably first-year at RB
Yellowhammer 1
Brimstone 1
Green-veined White 4+
Small White 1+
Speckled Wood 8
Meadow Brown
Small Copper 1
Jersey Tiger

7th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Ian Ward


female Emperor dragonfly ovipositing

male Emperor dragonfly

Speckled Wood

Swift 1 headed west
Red Kite 1 flew east 13:23 over Hither Field
Chiffchaff 7 calling
Blackcap 2 calling
Green-veined White 1
Small White 1
Large White 1
Comma 3
Peacock 1
Speckled Wood 2
Gatekeeper now the most widespread species
Common Blue 3
Chalkhill Blue 2; only 1 m 1 fem in Stagbury
Purple Hairstreak 1; Holly Lane Meadows
Azure Damselfly 4
Common Darter
Southern Hawker 3
Emperor dragonfly
2 at Outwood Lane pond
Migrant Hawker 8

7th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman


Red Kite 1
Common Buzzard 2
Chiffchaff 4
Blackcap 1
Whitethroat 3
Nuthatch 1
Yellowhammer 3
Essex Skipper 1+
Large Skipper 1
Green-veined White 4
Small White 3+
Large White 1
Comma 1
Peacock 2
Speckled Wood 4
Meadow Brown P
Gatekeeper P
Other wildlife 1 (type species) Jersey Tiger moth
Other wildlife 1 number and details 1

3rd August 2024: Canons Farm - Ian Ward


Meadow Brown

Common Buzzard 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 3
Green Woodpecker 3
Kestrel 2
Swallow 3 flew S
Chiffchaff 2
Goldfinch 5
Yellowhammer 4
Green-veined White 1
Small White 6
Large White 3
Comma 1
Peacock 2
Speckled Wood 2
Meadow Brown P; widespread in smaller numbers
Gatekeeper 9
Emperor 1 in Round Meadow