29th August 2024: Banstead Woods - Spotted Flycatcher - Ian Ward


juvenile Robin

Tawny Owl 1 hooting briefly near Piddly Pond 12:44
Kestrel 1
Marsh Tit 1 calling by Piddly Pond 12:42
Swallow 4
House Martin 1 with swallows east side of Hither field/outwood lane
Blackcap 1
Whitethroat 1
Mistle Thrush 1
Bullfinch 1
Linnet 6
Spotted Flycatcher
1 Spotted Flycatcher;along hedgerows of north side of Hither Field - flew into the Nuttery 11:25
Red Admiral 1
Small Copper 1
Brown Hairstreak 5; 4 Hither field/ The Nuttery, 1 Hillwood field
Southern Hawker 3 over Piddly Pond
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 3