25th August 2024: Canons Farm - Paul Goodman

 Partly with Tony Blake

Sparrowhawk 1
Red Kite 1+
Common Buzzard 2
Kestrel 1
Swallow 80+ over in groups of 6 to about 30
House Martin 2+
Chiffchaff 5
Whitethroat 1
Nuthatch 2
Song Thrush 1
Yellow Wagtail 2 over
Tree Pipit 1 over
Yellowhammer 1
Small White 3+
Speckled Wood 1
Meadow Brown 3
Brown Argus 1 near Perrotts Farm.
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 1
Jersey Tiger    

Chrysotoxum festivum (hoverfly)